Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect it. Sometimes, even what you eat can crack or chip your tooth. Can dentists save tooth avulsion? More likely, you may need to consult your specialised dental surgeon on what to expect. Sometimes, tooth extraction may need restorative dentistry procedures like single tooth dentures, bridges, or dental implants. What does a patient need to know about tooth avulsion? Here are some facts that can help your oral health care. Find out more.
Severe Dental Emergencies May Require More Dental Care
Are you an athlete or have a child that loves playing football, cricket, or tennis? It may be alarming to let play without a face and mouth protection. Considering sports injuries are far too frequent than other accidents in Australia annually. But, you can avoid complications like tooth avulsion from destroying your teeth permanently. Your general dentist can give instructions on how you can prevent permanent traumatic concerns. If you don’t treat your tooth avulsion, you may expect more problems like cavities or gingivitis. You may want to ask your sports doctor about mouthguards to prevent avulsion and further trauma.
How Do Dentists Assess Dental Emergencies?
An emergency like tooth avulsion, loose fillings or crown, and impacted wisdom teeth require assistance right away. Mainly, an avulsed trauma in the gum happens when the space between the bone and periodontal ligament doesn’t heal after extraction or due to trauma. If you have an avulsed socket, make sure that you rinse it first with water. Store your tooth in milk or professional mixed saline (see online tips on making one). Also, don’t delay going to an oral health care provider immediately.
Here are some of the criteria that dental experts use when assessing their patients:
- X-ray result
- Size of fracture
- Level of pain (severity)
- Checking for oral cancer
- Evaluation of gum condition
- Possibility for a replanted tooth
What Is Tooth Avulsion?
Tooth avulsion occurs when a person’s permanent teeth fall off, and there’s no option available to attach it back to the gums. Commonly, tooth avulsion is also called knocked out tooth. However, severe damage in the gums and teeth’ roots and nerves may be a hindrance for restoration. Most permanent teeth treatments with severe injuries like a chip or crack can depend on how much damage the tooth has. Hence, it is best to visit a clinic right away for management. If your dentist determines that an avulsed socket needs more than an antibiotic, you may have to wait for another complete clinical prognosis.
Treatments For Tooth Avulsion
Restoring your missing or lost teeth have modern dentistry approaches such as using splints, easy dissolving sutures, and alternatives to treating luxation. However, an alveolar socket may need more than one treatment to ensure healing. Not to mention, children may not get implants right away because of their bone’s growth and development. Which dentist should you visit? Although it’s quite apparent to go to an urgent care clinic due to an accident or injury, you may want further experts to manage your aftercare. So, if you’re planning to treat your tooth avulsion, ask your local dental office for complete restorative dentistry procedures. Find further details.
Root Canal Therapy (Cracked Or Chipped Tooth Only)
If you haven’t lost your tooth yet and it cracks in half or have slight dents, you may need a filling like an amalgam or sealants to prevent infection. Bacterial infection can penetrate inside the pulp, which may necrotise the pulp, which leads to a dead primary tooth. Hence, an endodontist is the first specialist to visit during an emergency. Often, parents may have to visit an endodontics clinic for a root canal procedure.
Dental Implants
Implants are great for people with strong enough bone in their jaw. Thanks to modern dentistry practices, dental implants are one of the most sought-after services in replantation. On that note, you may also expect the fees to be more expensive than traditional dentures or bridges. Regardless, you can expect your healing to be safer, and last longer than other available treatments. Find further details.
Having more than one avulsed socket can be dangerous, especially, luxation is challenging to treat. Dentures can be the first recommendation for seniors and older adults with weaker gums.
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